Classroom sizes are kept small so as to best benefit the children, and we have five individual, airy and richly-resourced learning environments for the children to develop, learn and thrive within as well as wide open spaces for them to continue their development outside.
We fully-utilise our outside area, fostering “forest-style” learning with outdoor kitchens, planting areas, swings, slides, mounds and climbing areas and the children have daily access to these resources to develop their cognitive and physical skills. It’s amazing what you can do with a pinecone and some wooden twigs as the imagination of children really knows no bounds!
Children can start here at Stockton House School from 2 years’ old and we highly encourage parents/carers to come see our wonderful facilities.
We still have some spaces left for September 2021 onwards so please call the pre-school now on 07487 573692 to book your visit!