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Stockton House School

A nature and nurture approach to active learning

Application for Year R Places for September 2022

If your child was born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018, they will be eligible to start school in the school year beginning September 2022.


If your child is looking to start Year R from September 2022 then the deadline for applications either online via the Hampshire County Council admissions portal or by post is 15th January 2022.


Please make note of the following key dates:

Admission type: Starting School (Year R)
Applications opened: 1st November 2021
Deadline for applications: 15th January 2022 (DO NOT MISS THIS!!!)
National notification date for on-time applicants: 19th April 2022
Waiting list established: 28th April 2022


The portal is now open on the Hampshire County Council website and you can access it here:

For further information regarding the application process please go to

If you have any questions regarding the process then please refer to the guidelines available online or contact your local infant / primary school.


We cannot answer these questions for you, unfortunately.
